Friday, May 3, 2019

Sensory Processing Disorder

Does your child hate shirt tags and sock seams? Or maybe she is the Energizer Bunny, always jumping on the furniture and playing too rough.

Everyone has sensory-related experiences that they avoid or seek out, but if a person's life quality is affected by constant sensory seeking or avoiding, they may have Sensory Processing Disorder.

SPD often coexists with autism. Eli has a vast amount of things he avoids and things he craves. You can often find him gagging at certain textures or injuring himself and not seeming to notice. But an individual can also have SPD without being autistic. Here is a helpful chart that breaks it down.

And here's a fun experiment - what sensory-related things do YOU seek or avoid? If you are up for it, leave your answer in the comments!

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