Thursday, December 25, 2008

Catching Up

At some point I had wonderful posts all blogged out in my mind for the following activities. And those posts are still there - in my mind. Since most of these events took place months ago, and since today is Christmas with many more fun things to blog upon, I need to just move on. But not before a token picture and comment for the Ghost of Blog Posts Past!

First we have a trip to Valentine Park, with an autumn walk in the woods:

Soon after we made one last trip to the Memphis Zoo before our yearly membership expired. This is Audrey, who honestly believed she had escaped from me in "Once Upon a Farm."

Another highlight was the birth of Isaac, my sweet new nephew. Over 9 lbs. but supposedly three weeks early! LOL!

Couldn't pass up this cute one of the cousins!


Unknown said...

love the pics but now I have to figure out who Isaac belongs to

Jenny said...

Isaac belongs to Andy and Lena. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love all these pics. Owen and the new shoes is priceless. I think I remember such scenes of my own in the past. You make me smile!